
Viser innlegg fra desember, 2011

ImageMixer 3 SE Ver.6 - Following file cannot be found. Reset the path.

Ok. I am only using ImageMixer since it came with my camcorder. And as I bumped into some weird bug, I would share it here in case someone else gets the same bug. Since I have Norwegian language, I don't know why, it read: "Følgende fil finnes ikke. Nullstill banen." In English it is: " Following file cannot be found. Reset the path. " The program can't find the sound file. It is there, I don't know why it can't find it, and the file won't open. Crappy program. It should of course have opened the file without the sound file. Because now all my editing looks to be in vain. Fortunately it is easy to edit the file in notepad, and manually remove the sound file. Just remove everything from 5AudioN to 8SubAudioN. Don't remove the text 8SubAudioN. Then save the file, and you can open it without the sound you have put on the video. Remember to make a backup of the file before editing it. But maybe there is an easier way. After trying a lot I found o...